
  • PC and Network Consultation
    Whether designing a new PC based client/server solution or determining the cause of problems with your existing system, we have the solution for your company needs.
  • Preventive Maintenance Program
    A good preventive maintenance program can save your company money in the future by keeping your systems up-to-date, optimized and running smoothly. Often times, possible hardware problems can be detected before failure and the loss of valuable company data occurs.
  • Hardware
    As an authorized reseller in the state of Arizona, we can supply your company with new hardware upgrades and can build PC based workstations and servers customized to your specific needs.
  • Networking
    Setting up, maintaining and administering business networks with an emphasis on using Microsoft networking solutions is one of our strengths.
  • System Upgrades
    Upgrading and/or building new PC systems ranging from single workstations to servers that can support any number of clients. Installation of hardware and software, ensuring correct configuration and compatibility with the end user's system requirements.
  • Troubleshooting and System Optimization
    Troubleshooting and diagnosing hardware and software related problems for networked workstations, both local and remote, can be handled on an as-needed basis. Troubleshooting Internet related issues including connectivity, hardware conflicts, TCP/IP issues and E-mail is available.
  • Project Management
    On behalf of your company, we can coordinate projects to ensure timely completion while serving as the contact between you and your supplier.
  • Training
    To give employees additional support, customized training programs for individuals or groups can be designed.